CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - THUR, 26MAR09

Deadlift 3,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1

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Julie's Shirt says it all

CPT Latosha Floyd...CrossFitter and
the strongest women in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Deadlift Intro Lecture Clip...[wmv]

1 comment:

Joe said...

3: 225 1: 385
2: 315 1: 405 (Fail)
2: 335 1: 405 (PR)
2: 355 1: 415 (Fail)
1: 375

Almost had the 415 just wasn't able to lock out