CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - FRI, 06MAR09

One round of"Breathing Ladders":

  • 1 rep to 15 reps to 1 rep

    Breathing ladders require a weight, movement and rep to breath ratio.
    Establish a rep to breath ratio, i.e. do one rep followed by one breath,
    then do two reps followed by two breaths, three reps followed by three
    breaths, etc. until you have gone up and back down the "ladder".
    Breathe as much as you want while working. Breathe only the specified number of "reps" while resting. The goal is to accomplish a high work volume executed at moderate-to-low intensity while maintaining control of your breathing.
    Gym Jones

    Post total reps / weight to comments

    Rob getting intense with a kettlebell!

    Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swing(normal, two-handed swing)


    Brooky said...

    Did yesterday's WOD in 16:02 but subbed the rowing with 50 DBL unders, will do the mainsite WOD today "Jackie" but will sub 100 45# SDHP's for 1000m row, because i do not have access to one

    James said...

    Liked this one a lot especially considering how easy it would be to implement at a unit PT session. My wife mentioned doing this with burpees and I think I just threw up thinking about it. Gonna have to try it now.

    Gil said...

    Good on ya for the creativity Brooky. Bottom line. . .figure out a way to do the WOD!

    Agree completely about this WOD translating to unit PT. A push up sit up air squat combo might not be bad either.