CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - TUES, 27MAR12


The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.

The "official" CrossFit Warm-up is in the
April 2003 CrossFit Journal

1-2 rounds of 10-15 reps of:

  • Squat or Overhead Squat
  • AbMat or GHD Sit-up
  • Back-extension
  • Pull-up
  • Ring Dip or HSPU
*Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup. Followed by:
    Row...Best Effort
  • 500M, damper 10

    Followed by:

    Ring Dips...Best Effort

Followed by: WOD: ALTERNATING DOUBLE TABATA *8 alternating intervals of 20 seconds of work / 10 second rest for each exercise. Lowest number of repetitions completed for each exercise is your score.
  • AbMat Sit ups
  • WBS, 20/15#



  • Medball Clean, 20/15#
  • Push Up

Post load/time or rounds to comments.

Downtown Throwdown Workouts!!

·      Scoring is based on a point system…1st place for a work out receives 1 point, 2nd place 2 points, etc. lowest total score at the end of the competition wins
·      The opening event determines order of performance for the athletes during Workouts, and in the event of a tie…will serve as a tie breaker.
·      Scaled athletes unable to utilize the scaled weight for an exercise will be assigned a time penalty of 1 second per pound they must reduce the weight by in order to allow them to compete. Head Judge must be notified of a request for modification prior to the start of the workout.
·      If an athlete misses their assigned heat, they will be placed last in point standing for that event. As there are always potential for extenuating circumstances…a final determination will be made by the Throwdown director as to whether an opportunity exists for the athlete to compete in another heat.
·      If an athlete does not complete a movement correctly, based on the standards outlined, the athlete will be told “No Rep” by their judge. At the end of the workout, a scorecard is produced by the judge. Both judge and athlete will initial/sign the card before it is turned over for scoring.
·      Decisions of the judges and head judge are final.

Complete as many as possible in one(1) minute of the following:
·      Burpee Kettlebell swings
1.5 pood
1 pood
Scaled MEN
Scaled WOMEN
1 pood
·      Burpee
At the bottom position, the Athlete's chest and hips must touch the ground. At the top of the movement, both hands must be overhead, arms fully extended and hips fully opened.
·      Kettlebell Swing
At the top of the swing, the Kettlebell must be fully inverted (bell over the handle), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight. At the bottom, the forearms must touch the thighs and the bell must pass behind the thighs. There is no requirement for flexing the knees.

Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of the following:
·   Overhead squat (OHS)
·   Deadlift
·   Bear Crawl
·   OHS, 3” x 8’ Slosh Pipe, 8 reps
·   Deadlift, 250#, 10 reps
·   Bear crawl, 20M

·  OHS, 2” x8’ Slosh Pipe OHS, 8 reps
·  Deadlift, 175#, 10 reps
·  Bear crawl 20M

Scaled MEN
Scaled WOMEN
·   OHS, 3” x 8’ Slosh Pipe, 5 reps
·   Deadlift, 185#, 8 reps
·   Bear crawl, 10M

·  OHS, 2” x8’ Slosh Pipe OHS, 5 reps
·  Deadlift, 135#, 8 reps
·  Bear crawl 10M

·  Overhead Squat:
This is a standard overhead squat performed with a PVC Pipe filled with a gallon of water. The pipe must be kept overhead with the arms locked. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the knee cap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell over heels.
·   Deadlift:
The barbell begins on the ground and must touch the ground between each rep. The athlete must grip release when barbell is returned to the start position.
The athlete’s knees and hips must be extended at the top, with the shoulders behind the bar. The athlete’s hands must be outside their knees. Any grip is permitted. Chalk and any injury prevention/protection such as tape are permitted. Belts are permitted. Dropping the barbell is NOT permitted. Sticky substances, wraps, or anything used for advantage are prohibited.
·   Bearcrawl:
The athlete step to the start point marked by an orange cone, goes down to the ground on all fours and begins crawling using hands and feet. The athlete ensures moves to the 10M turn around and returns to the start point

21-15-9 Rep rounds for time with a buy-in of:
BUY-IN, Turkish Get Up(TGU)
·   Kettle Bell Front Squat, (KBFS)
·   Sumo Deadlift High Pull,(SDHP)
·   Broad Jump

·   TGU, 3 reps per hand, 1.5 pood
·   KBFS, 2 pood
·   SDHP, 95#
·   Broad Jump, 10M per round

·   TGU, 3 reps per hand, 1 pood
·   KBFS, 1.5 pood
·   SDHP, 65#
·   Broad Jump, 10M per round
Scaled MEN
Scaled WOMEN
·   TGU, 3 reps per hand, 1 pood
·   KBFS, 1.5 pood
·   SDHP, 75#
·   Broad Jump, 10M per round

·   TGU, 3 reps per hand, 12 kg
·   KBFS, 1 pood
·   SDHP, 55#
·   Broad Jump, 10M per round

·   Turkish Get Up:
The athlete lays down and begins execution of the TGU. The athlete is free to alternate hands IOT complete the reps, and the athlete can keep the Kettlebell in a lockout overhead for the duration of the repetitions. Athlete stands completely at the completion of each rep and lays down completely at the beginning of the next rep
·   Kettlebell Front Squat:
This is a standard front squat in which the athlete holds the Kettlebell in a front rack position, moves to the bottom of a front squat and then a fully upright position with the athlete’s knees and hips fully extended at the top. The hip crease must pass below the knees during the squat
·   Sumo Deadlift High Pull:
The bar starts on ground and the athlete assumes a wide, “Sumo” stance. They take a narrow grip on bar, pull with hips and legs only until both are at full extension, shrug and immediately pull with arms continuing the bars travel up. Bring the bar up under parallel, and then lower to hang and lower to ground.
·   Broad Jump
The athlete step to the start point marked by an orange cone,  and jumps as many times as needed to cover  5M turns around and broad jumps back to the start point

10-8-6-4-2  Rep rounds for time of:
·   Ground to Overhead (G2OH)
·   Run backwards
·   Sledgehammer strikes

·   G2OH,135#
·   Run backwards, 30M each round

·   G2OH,95#
·   Run backwards, 30M each round

Scaled MEN
Scaled WOMEN
·   G2OH,95#
·   Run backwards, 20M each round

·   G2OH,65#
·   Run backwards, 20M each round

·   Ground to Overhead (G2OH)
This is performed with a loaded bar.The athlete executes the G2OH movement In any manner they choose. Generally, it's going to be either a power snatch, a power clean and push-press, or a clean and jerk, depending on how heavy the weight is. The bar must touch the ground at the start of each rep, and full range of motion and a lockout is expected during the G2OH.
Bar cannot be dropped from overhead

·   Run Backwards
The athlete step to the start point marked by an orange cone,  and runs backward  to a halfway point turns around and runs backward to the start point

·   Sledgehammer Strikes:
Utilizing a sledgehammer, the athlete squares off on a tire and performs the requisite number of strikes on the tire.. There is no requirement for alternating hands .

For time of:
·      Sandbag Shuttle
·      20M away from the start line
·      30M away from the start line
·      40M away from the start line
·      50M away from the start line
·      20M Mark…1 x 20# sandbag & 1.5 pood KB
·      30M Mark…2 x 20# sandbag & 20”Box
·      40M Mark…3 x 20# sandbag & jump rope
·      50M Mark…4 x 20# sandbag & Burpees
·      20M Mark…1 pood KB
·      30M Mark…1 x 20# sandbag & 20”Box
·      40M Mark…2 x 20# sandbag & jump rope
·      50M Mark…3 x 20# sandbag & Burpees
Scaled MEN
Scaled WOMEN
·      20M Mark…1 x 20# sandbag & 1 pood KB
·      30M Mark…2 x 20# sandbag & 20”Box
·      40M Mark…3 x 20# sandbag & jump rope
·      50M Mark…4 x 20# sandbag & Burpees
·      20M Mark…12 Kilogram KB
·      30M Mark…1 x 20# sandbag & 20”Box
·      40M Mark…2 x 20# sandbag & jumprope
·      50M Mark…3 x 20# sandbag & Burpees

·      Athlete runs to the 20M sandbag, executes 20 KBS , Male athletes runs back to the start line with the sandbag and drops it behind the start line and female return to the finish line.
·      Athlete runs to the 30M sandbags, executes 20 Box jumps , Male athletes run back to the start line with 2 sandbags, Female 1 sandbag  and drops them behind the start line
·      Athlete runs to the 40M sandbags, executes 20 Double unders , Male athletes run back to the start line with 3 sandbags, Female 2 sandbags  and drops them behind the start line
·      Athlete runs to the 50M sandbags, executes 20 Burpees ,  Male athletes run back to the start line with 4 sandbags, Female 3 sandbags  and drops them behind the start line
·      The male/female athletes then returns the sandbags to each station…1/0 to the 20M station…2/1 to the 30M station…3/2 to the 40M station… 4/3 to the 50M station and then sprints back to the start.
·      The athlete is not required to replace the sandbags
·      A 3:1 ratio for singles to double unders is authorized
*A dropped sandbag will result in a 5 burpee penalty for the athlete.