CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.


SAT, 01AUG09 & SUN, 02AUG09

The WOD - FRI, 31JULY09

For time:

  • Snatch, 135/95 30 reps

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    Pressing Snatch Balance...[wmv]

    Pressing Snatch Balance, slo-mo...[wmv]

    Heaving Snatch Balance...[wmv]

    Snatch Balance...[wmv]


  • The WOD - THUR, 30JULY09

    For Time:

  • Box Jumps, 20", 30 reps
  • Ring Dips, 30 reps
  • Wall Ball Shot, 20/15 #,30 reps
  • Row, 500M
  • Wall Ball Shot, 20/15 #,30 reps
  • Ring Dips, 30 reps
  • Box Jumps, 20", 30 reps

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    Skills &Amp; Drills
    KB Clean 3 X 5 per hand

    Box Jump Variations...[ wmv]
    Ring Dips... [ wmv]
    Wall Ball/Karen...[mov][wmv]

  • The WOD - WED, 29JULY09

    AMRAP in 20 min of:

  • Shoulder presses(75#/55#), 5 reps
  • Pull ups, 8 reps
  • Burpees, 10 reps

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    Skills &Amp; Drills
    GHD Back Extension, 30 reps

    Shoulder Press/Push Press/Push Jerk tri-panel...[wmv]

    Shoulder Press-Push Press-Push Jerk...[ wmv]

  • The WOD - TUES, 28JULY09

    21,15, and 9 rep. rounds for time of:

  • KTE's
  • Thrusters, 95/55 #
  • Run, 400M

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    Skills &Amp; Drills
    Inverted Ring Pull ups, 3 X 5 reps

    Knees to Elbows Demo...[mov][wmv]

    Thruster tri-panel...[mov][wmv]

  • The WOD - MON, 27JULY09

    5 rounds for time of:

  • Overhead Squats, 95/65 #, 15 reps
  • Row, 250M

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    Skills &Amp; Drills
    GHD Sit up, 30 reps

    3, 2, 1, go!

    By Maggie from CrossFit Fairfax

    You have been driving for a while. You are glad that your day is almost over. You couldn't wait to leave work and get home, but there is one more stop you have to make before reaching your final destination: The gym. It's time for your workout. You have been thinking about it all day long, more than thinking, you have been dreading it.

    As soon as you step into the gym the scene almost never changes: People laying on the floor trying to catch their breath, people in middle of the workout screaming and shouting,others waiting. As you make your way inside the gym you look at the white board as if you were about to read your death sentence. You stare at it for a while, shaking your head in disbelief. You read the scores of the warriors that have gone before you and keep shaking your head. You are trying to understand what brought you here. You wonder what strange force has possessed you...why you are doing this to yourself?

    It's not too late to turn around and leave, after all, your name has not been
    written down on the board yet; nobody will notice. But you decide to stay and embrace the pain. You have been waiting all day to feel the out-of-control heart rate, the hyperventilation, the suck! There is no way you are going to leave now

    You take a couple of minutes to change your clothes. As you warm up people are talking to you. You try to be polite, make some conversation, nod, smile, ask them about their days. But the only thing inside your head is the hell you are about to put your body through.

    The group before you is almost done. The time is approaching.
    There is that voice asking the next group to get ready. Your bar is already waiting for you. . .Someone was nice enough to leave it for you. You look around for the orange bucket and make sure your get some of that magic chalk on your hands. You scan the group and find your rabbit. The music is blasting, but for some odd reason the only thing you can hear is your heart beat?.you can even feel it. You start to sweat and you haven't even begun the workout.

    Staring at the guy next to you, the only thing coming out of you is this
    is going to hurt. Your final words before the torture starts. You look at your coach; he's got the stopwatch in his hand.

    You are about to experience agony,and you ready for it. This is what you have been waiting for all day.

    3, 2, 1, go!

  • The WOD - THUR, 23JULY09

    50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds for time:

  • Double-unders
  • Sit-ups

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    Annie (Speal)...[wmv][mov]

  • The WOD - WED, 22JULY09

    'Tabata Mash Up'
    5 - 10 - 15, rep rounds for time:

  • HSPU
  • WBS, 20/15#
  • Dumb Bell Hang Squat Clean (DB HSQ), 30/20#

    Do HSPUs for 20 seconds - 10 seconds rest. Do WBS for 20 seconds- 10 seconds rest.
    Do DB HSQ for 20 seconds- 10 seconds rest. This is one round. . .Complete 8 rounds.
    Score is the lowest number of reps per exercise.

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  • The WOD - TUES, 21JULY09

    5 - 10 - 15, rep rounds for time:

  • Back Squat, 225/155#
  • Box Jump, 20"

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    Intro to the Low Bar Back Squat, Mark Rippetoe ...[wmv]

  • The WOD - MON, 20JULY09

    5 rounds for time:

  • Pull ups, 20 reps
  • Push ups, 30 reps
  • Sit ups, 40 reps
  • Squats, 50 reps

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    Jon Gilson of Again Faster on

    Dedication. . .

    You think you know pain, but you have no idea.  The heart
    thumping, chest expanding, lactic acid burn of your last workout
    was a walk through the meadow.

    Somewhere, there's a guy who did it in half the time it took you. He suffered. Plasma forced its way into his lungs, causing him to hack on repeat. He choked down bile halfway through, and ended on his back, pupils dilated to the size of dimes.

    While you were walking around, telling your friends how hardcore your
    workout was, Guy Number Two was still collapsed, the prospect of
    driving home as daunting as climbing K2 during a snowstorm.

    When he finally stood up, he didn?t say a word.

    CrossFit is a decidedly masochistic pursuit.  To be any good at it, you have to enjoy the pain.  You have to push back the threshold day after day, until last year's traumas feel like an hour-long rubdown at the Canyon Ranch.  One day, you find a threshold that takes the whole thing just a little too far, and you get scared to go back.

    The men and women that decimate your times are not superhuman.  They're not particularly genetically gifted.  Hell, most of the top CrossFitters in the world would get absolutely pummeled in your standard game of rugby, buried by larger athletes begat by larger parents.

    What differentiates these individuals is not a gift, but an unreasonable desire
    to push self-imposed suck beyond its logical limits.  What comes out the other side becomes legendary.

    Like any human pursuit, we seek ways around the hard part.  Limited range
    of motion and new techniques.  Dropping the deadlift from the top, bouncing it off the floor.  Squatting above parallel and not standing up all the
    way.  Chicken-necking above the chin-up bar, and reviewing the tape to see if we made it.  

    We want the reward (speed) without the sacrifice (pain).

    This is not conscious cowardice.  It?s pure out-and-out rationalism. 
    At some point, the next threshold is the one that takes it too far,
    leaving us in an exercise-induced hallucination that lasts a few
    moments too long.  Our hearts bounce around our insides for
    one beat too many, and our lungs beg to explode for an unwanted
    extra second.  Every exhalation coincides with a constriction
    of vision, and the cold taste of copper.  

    No sane human being would enjoy such a feeling.

    Still, the glory reckons.  Surely, with enough training and the right
    supplements, there?s a way around the Hard Part.  Enough
    sleep and enough vitamin B will get you the sub-whatever time
    without the attendant pain.  There?s no need to redline your
    heart rate or pop capillaries.  No need to ache so badly at
    night that you can?t sleep.  Surely, there are ways around

    Fortunately, the steroids are a no-go, and the exercises are done correctly
    or not at all.  The only way to legend is through ever-mounting piles of
    pain.  The meadow has to tilt at 45-degrees, and the rubdown at the Ranch must be done with Brillo Pads.  If you can talk, you're not trying
    hard enough.  If your nerves aren?t frayed and ready to
    rebel, you?ll never get there.

    Do yourself a favor, and realize that there?s no technique in the world that will save you.  There are no pills, no secrets, no passwords on the path to greatness. You've got to embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck, and then you?ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.

    After all, the world is a lot brighter when your pupils are the size of dimes, and massaging your sternum with your heart starts to feel good after a while.  The plasma finds its way out of your lungs, and eventually you'll be able to drive. 

    Sometimes, lying on the floor is its own reward.


    SAT, 18JULY09 & SUN, 19JULY09

    The WOD - FRI, 17JULY09

    LINDA (aka '3 bars of death')
    10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, rep rounds for time:

  • Deadlift, 1 1/2 BW
  • Bench press, BW
  • Clean, 3/4 BW

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    Linda (Nicole)...[wmv][mov]

  • The WOD - THUR, 16JULY09

    AMRAP 10 min:

  • Burpee, 1 rep
  • Row, 100M
  • Burpee, 1 rep
  • Row, 100M

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    ABs - KTE 30 reps

    Primal Strength Training for Women: Not So Different After All

  • The WOD - WED, 15JULY09

    6 rounds for time:

  • Run, 200M
  • Run Backwards, 200M
  • Box Jumps, 10 reps
  • Deadlifts, 275 / 175#, 3 reps

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  • The WOD - TUES, 14JULY09

    AMRAP for 20 min:

  • Clean & Jerk, 155 / 105#
  • Walking Lunges, 10 reps

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    Clean & Jerk...[wmv][mov][wmv 2]

  • The WOD - MON, 13JULY09

    5 rounds for time:

  • Row, 500M
  • Double Unders, 10 reps
  • Burpees, 15 reps

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    Maggie Dabe-Colby of CrossFit Fairfax shares her thoughts on Intensity

    About Intensity and Why it Matters

    You hear it everyday. "The workout was so intense". "I want to see some intensity". But what is intensity anyway? Think of intensity as the ability to push yourself to places where you previously thought impossible.Intensity is the drive, the ability to continue fighting long after your body tells you it has reached its breaking point?after your mind has told you that it's time to stop.

    How many times have you come face-to-face with the decision of whether to quit or continue, to stop or keep going, to take a break or push harder? And when you are faced with that decision, what do you do? Do you give in to the pain? Do you surrender to demands that crush you? Do you cave in? Or you push for one more rep, one more pull, maybe 5 more?

    When your brain tells your body to stop and you don?t override that signal, intensity is gone and you have lost the battle. Your body is lazy and will beg you to stop when it?s merely tired. But if you listen to your body every time it asks you to stop, to slow down, you will never gain. Progress is not limited by
    the capacities of your body. It's limited by your mental capacity. You need to train your brain to ignore the pain signals your body sends. If you want to become stronger, you need to drive you body beyond exhaustion.

    Attack the workouts, and I mean ALL the workouts - with ferocity from the get go. If you are not splayed on the mat after the workout, you are not pushing yourself hard enough. If you don't TRY to break that PR next time you deadlift, or press, or clean, you are not pushing yourself hard enough. If you are finding excuses to justify why you can't do the workout as prescribed when you know you can, you are not pushing yourself hard enough. Simply, if you are not making progress, you are not pushing yourself hard enough. I need you to go all out. I want you to hit those workouts so hard so you won't ever have to wonder if there was something else left in the tank. That is intensity!

    When you are about to quit, push yourself harder and keep going. I don't tolerate mediocrity. I'm there to help you drive faster, to push you to your limits and to help you embrace and overcome discomfort. I'm there to help you retrain your brain so you'll endure the beating and won?t quit. If I yell at you when you are staring at the barbell, if I scream "don't drop the bar", if I ask you to give me 5 more reps, if I demand you to get back to the pull-up bar or to pick up the barbell and keep going, it's not because I enjoy seeing you suffering. I do it because I know you are capable, because I know you can drive yourself to the limits, because I know you can push harder and you can go faster!... you are just not aware.

    To me a workout without intensity is not a workout. I love intensity. I know you have it in you, so bring it out. I want to see your intensity, and I want to feel it.


    SAT, 11JULY09 & SUN, 12JULY09

    The WOD - FRI, 10JULY09


    For time:

  • 50 Box jump, 20 inch box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 / 1 pood
  • Walking Lunge, 50 steps
  • 50 Knees to elbows
  • 50 Push press, 45#
  • 50 Back extensions
  • 50 Wall ball shots, 15/ 20#
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Double unders

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    Filthy Fifty...[wmv][mov]

  • The WOD - THUR, 09JULY09

    10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds of:

  • Hang Squat Clean, 95 / 65#
  • Ring Dips

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    Hang Clean... [wmv][mov][wmv2]

  • The WOD - WED, 08JULY09

    5 rounds for time of:

  • Run, 400M
  • L-Pull ups, 10 reps
  • KB swings, 1.5/ 1 pood, 15 reps

  • Post time to comments.


    The WOD - TUES, 07JULY09

    For time:

  • Run 1,600 meters
  • Bench press, body weight, 21 reps
  • Run 800 meters
  • Bench press, body weight, 15 reps
  • Run 400 meters
  • Bench press, bodyweight, 9 reps

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    Kim sprinting 100s

    Bench Press Basic Setup, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]

  • The WOD - MON, 06JULY09

    For time:
    Deadlift - 3,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1

    Abs - 40 GHD sit ups

    Post Load To Comments.

    Deadlift Anatomy, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]


    SAT, 04JULY09 & SUN, 05JULY09

    Happy Independence Day

    Hear the Declaration of Independence read by Mr. Bill Barker, who
    interprets Thomas Jefferson for Colonial Williamsburg

    Hear the Gettysburg Address read by Jeff Daniels. This speech, delivered by Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863, was written to commemerate the Battle of Gettysburg, which ended on July 3, 1863.

    The WOD - FRI, 03JULY09


    Five stations, one minute per station, as many reps as possible per station.
    Repeat for three rounds, resting for one minute between rounds.

  • WBS, 20/15#, 10' (Reps)
  • Sumo Deadlift High-Pull, 75/55# (Reps)
  • Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
  • Push-press, 75/55# (Reps)
  • Row,(Calories)

    The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

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    "Fight Gone Bad"...[ wmv ]

  • The WOD - THUR, 02JULY09

    For time:

  • Row, 10 X 500M intervals with a 2 min rest between intervals

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    Becky and Jason grinding through an AMRAP

    Technique Refinement (C2), Angela Hart...[wmv][mov]
