CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - MON, 27JULY09

5 rounds for time of:

  • Overhead Squats, 95/65 #, 15 reps
  • Row, 250M

    Post time to comments

    Skills &Amp; Drills
    GHD Sit up, 30 reps

    3, 2, 1, go!

    By Maggie from CrossFit Fairfax

    You have been driving for a while. You are glad that your day is almost over. You couldn't wait to leave work and get home, but there is one more stop you have to make before reaching your final destination: The gym. It's time for your workout. You have been thinking about it all day long, more than thinking, you have been dreading it.

    As soon as you step into the gym the scene almost never changes: People laying on the floor trying to catch their breath, people in middle of the workout screaming and shouting,others waiting. As you make your way inside the gym you look at the white board as if you were about to read your death sentence. You stare at it for a while, shaking your head in disbelief. You read the scores of the warriors that have gone before you and keep shaking your head. You are trying to understand what brought you here. You wonder what strange force has possessed you...why you are doing this to yourself?

    It's not too late to turn around and leave, after all, your name has not been
    written down on the board yet; nobody will notice. But you decide to stay and embrace the pain. You have been waiting all day to feel the out-of-control heart rate, the hyperventilation, the suck! There is no way you are going to leave now

    You take a couple of minutes to change your clothes. As you warm up people are talking to you. You try to be polite, make some conversation, nod, smile, ask them about their days. But the only thing inside your head is the hell you are about to put your body through.

    The group before you is almost done. The time is approaching.
    There is that voice asking the next group to get ready. Your bar is already waiting for you. . .Someone was nice enough to leave it for you. You look around for the orange bucket and make sure your get some of that magic chalk on your hands. You scan the group and find your rabbit. The music is blasting, but for some odd reason the only thing you can hear is your heart beat?.you can even feel it. You start to sweat and you haven't even begun the workout.

    Staring at the guy next to you, the only thing coming out of you is this
    is going to hurt. Your final words before the torture starts. You look at your coach; he's got the stopwatch in his hand.

    You are about to experience agony,and you ready for it. This is what you have been waiting for all day.

    3, 2, 1, go!

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