CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - MON, 02MAR09

BB Thruster 3,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1

Abs - 5 rounds of max. L- Sits on paralletes

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Mel meets 'FRAN'

Thruster tri-panel...[wmv]


Brooky said...

Just dropping a line letting you know how my race went this past saturday. Had the GTMO Xtreme Adventure Race- 1 miles bay swim, 8 mile run ( hilly terrain), 9 mile canoe(very long, and boring), 12 mile mountain bike- (just gutting through it at that point, legs cramping up ridicuolously.) So we finished 2nd out of about 8 teams, at 4 hours 27 minutes. finished 20 minutes behind the first place team who was a bunch of triathletes, Very hot and humid, did no training for it, just crossfitting. Legs were pretty much dead after the first event but just wanted to let you know how it went. Keep Training hard.

Joe said...

BW/LW: 200/225

Sweet job Brooky sounds like a lot of fun

Gil said...
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Gil said...

That was a good day! Hey Brooky, looking to get another batch of Tshirts. What was that quote we talked about for the shirt?

BW 197/LW 145- Managed to bust my chin on that thruster. Somewhere between seeing stars and cleaning the blood, I decided to cut my losses and live with that for now.