CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - MON, 18MAY09

The Bear
5 rounds - 7 sets per round of the following sequence:

  • Power Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Push Press
  • Back Squat
  • Push Press

    Weight can only hit the floor at the beginning of the power clean. The only authorized rest positions are in the hang, racked in front squat/clean position, or on the back. If the you put the weight down, even to re-grip, the set does not count. Increase load each round.

    Post load per round to comments.

    You Are Beautiful
    By Jon Gilson

    " If I were feeling a little more lawless, I’d gather all the copies of Cosmo and Seventeen, douse them in kerosene, and strike a match.  I’d throw in reams of print ads from Calvin Klein and watch with delight as Kate Moss’ stick-thin image was reduced to carbon.  I’d add copies of Shape and Runner’s World until the flames reached toward the heavens, and then I’d crank call the editorial desk at Muscle and Fitness until they stopped publishing pictures of women on steroids.

    I’d get the master tapes of America’s Next Top Model and dub over them with “Nasty Girls”, broadcasting the results on every television station in America.  I’d skywrite “” across the Boston skyline, and gently admonish the hoards of long distance runners trotting along the Charles River—with a bullhorn.

    I’d take every woman with mass media-induced ideals of beauty, and I’d show them what it really means to be beautiful.  

    Beautiful women are strong and powerful.  They are athletes, capable of every feat under the sun.  They have muscles, borne of hard work and sweat.  They gauge their self-worth through accomplishments, not by the numbers on the bathroom scale."
    To read the rest click here

    Bear Complex WOD...[wmv]

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