CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - WED, 18FEB09

As many rounds as you can do in 20 min. of:

  • 4 Thrusters (65#/45#)

  • 6 chest to bar pull ups

  • 8 Box jumps (24"/20")

  • Abs - 40 abmat sit ups

    Post times to comments

    Thanks to all the couples that participated in our 1st annual Valentine's Day WOD!

    Thruster tri-panel...[wmv]


    Brooky said...

    Gil what were the times for the VDAY Wod and what did it consist of and who won? For me today is a rest day. I have an upcoming extreme endurance race coming up. 12 mile bike, 8 mile canoe, 12 mile run and 1 mile ocean swim. it is a team event it will be 28 FEB. Didnt really train for it. just added some endurance to my Crossfit Strength Bias workouts. So will be interesting to see how i do.

    Gil said...

    Nothing too severe. just enough to give a taste of the Kool-Aid. 5 rounds for time - 20 WBS 20/12#, 20 Box jump 20/12", 20 push ups, 20 squats. 10reps per person for each station. The couple could not move on until the staion was complete. the Richardsons won approx 12:45. Good luck on the race. You need to get back soon. Miss you yelling at me to get my A@# moving!

    Joe said...

    This one was a killer!

    16 rounds w/ jumping pull-ups

    Gil said...

    Smoked like a cheap cigar... 14 rounds jumping pull ups!