The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
*Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup.
Followed by:WOD
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep Rounds for Time Of:
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
*Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup. Followed by:
"Tabata Fight Gone Bad"
Perform 8 consecutive intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for each of the following exercises:
Wall-ball 20/16#, 10' target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 75/55# (Reps)
Box Jump 20" box (Reps)
Push-press 75/55# (Reps)
Row (Calories)
At the end of interval 8, move on to the new exercise and begin working.
Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals.
The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
If you are not clear about the expectation...remain calm and carry on...we will cover it to ensure everybody is giving us a North/ South Nod.
Just a reminder to all...We will do a WOD on the beach this Sunday 10:30-11:30 at Flounder's...See the Facebook Link....Come out and have some fun and enjoy the beach!
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
Just a reminder to all...We will do a WOD on the beach this Sunday 10:30-11:30 at Flounder's...See the Facebook Link....Come out and have some fun and enjoy the beach!
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
*Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup.
Followed By:Lift:Burgener Warmup...view the Warm-Up[wmv.]. Perform 3 reps per station of this sequence, and always in this order:
Down and up
Elbows high and outside
Muscle snatch
Snatch land
Snatch drop
Hang power snatch
Hang Power Clean, 2x3 @ 70% 1RM
Hang Clean, 2x3 @ 75% 1RM
Clean, 1x3 @ 80% 1RM
Followed by:Strength:
Squat,5x3, @ 70-75-80% 1RM
Followed by:Bullet Proof
6 Rounds For Time:
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
The Standard Warm-up used at Catalyst Athletics is a series of Dynamic Stretching Drills
that combined with the a modified version of the CrossFit Warm-up is a effecient and effective method for training prepartion.
*Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup. Followed By:
Lift: Burgener Warmup...view the Warm-Up[wmv.]. Perform 3 reps per station of this sequence, and always in this order:
Down and up
Elbows high and outside
Muscle snatch
Snatch land
Snatch drop
Hang power snatch
Snatch, 3X5, 65 -70-75% 1RM Followed by:
Squat, 3X5, 65 -70-75% 1RM Followed by:
For Time:
Run, 500M
Dead lifts, 250/175#, 25 reps
Run, 500M
Front squat, 115/85#, 25 reps
Run, 500M
Push press, 115/85#, 25 reps
Run, 500M
Thrusters, 115/85#, 25 reps
Run, 400M
Dead lifts, 225/155#, 25 reps
Run, 400M
Front squat, 95/65#, 25 reps
Run, 400M
Push press, 95/65#, 25 reps
Run, 400M
Thrusters, 95/65#, 25 reps
Run, 300M
Dead lifts, 185/115#, 25 reps
Run, 300M
Front squat, 185/115#, 25 reps
Run, 300M
Push press, 185/115#, 25 reps
Run, 300M
Thrusters, 185/115#, 25 reps
Run, 200M
Dead lifts, 135/95#, 25 reps
Run, 200M
Front squat, 135/95#, 25 reps
Run, 200M
Push press, 135/95#, 25 reps
Run, 200M
Thrusters, 135/95#, 25 reps
Post time, rounds or load to comments
Ever find yourself trying to explain what we do to the unitiated? "Oh, you mean it's circuit training?", "I do it like that", Etc.,Etc.
Thanks to the Warrior Athletes at CrossFit Black and Gold for this 'hip-pocket'
training on functional fitness and why CrossFit is the long pole in the fitness tent when it comes to athletic training.
What is CrossFit?
6 words define the CrossFit prescription. Constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements. We do not have a hard time with the first four words. Where I constantly see problems is with the functional movements piece. Let me be blunt. CrossFit is not a 30 minute full body circuit. Do not get me wrong, there is plenty of room for extended time muscle failure workouts, but the movements must be functional.
What is functional movement?
Functional movements can be broken down into 8 elements. A functional movement really does all of these things or else it does not fit the definition of functional. This is what makes CrossFit different from what most of us know as a circuit training. For a movement to be functional it must be:
1.Natural. This means something that happens in nature. Dead lifts, squats, pull ups are all excellent example of this. You do these everyday whether you even realize it, most of the time with very little if any load.
2.UMRP (Universal Motor Recruitment Pattern). In even simpler terms, core to extremity power. Meaning I get my momentum from my core and use that to move weight at my extremities. A kipping pull up is a great example of this.
3. Efficient and effective. If movement is not the most efficient way to move the weight then if does not meet the definition of functional. This pretty much excludes any kind of isolation exercise like bicep curls or skull crushers.
4. Essential. Meaning you must to this to live. You must be able to stand up (squat) you must be able to get up out of bed (sit up) you must be able to get up off the ground (push up).
5. Compound or multi-muscular. Again, this kind of ties in with efficient. But all CF exercises use more than one muscle group. Flutter kicks, iron abs, planks, wall sits, crunches are multi muscular but are not efficient so also do not fall into this definition.
6. Elemental. This simply means it cannot be reduced any further. Think about a dead lift, I cannot find a more elemental way to move weight from the ground to the hang position.
7. SAFE. This is probably the most important. If it is not SAFE then you risk injury. Poor form = not safe. Get someone to watch you if you think your form is suspect.
8. Power=(F*D)/T. Each movement is designed to help you move large loads (F), long distances (d), as quickly as possible (t). Think about this. Does it matter whether you go up stairs one at a time, 2 at a time or more? You are moving the same amount of weight the same distance. The most efficient is the one that allows you to do it fastest. If you move the same amount of weight the same distance faster, you increased your power capacity.
I hear a lot of folks saying that they are doing CrossFit, and I have no doubt that they believe what they are doing is CrossFit. What I urge you all to do is help spread the right word. Please do not be self-righteous about it, but education is important. As always, I am available for more questions and will make the time to go over all of this or any movements in more detail as will any of the trainers.
Hear the Declaration of Independence read by Mr. Bill Barker, who
interprets Thomas Jefferson for Colonial Williamsburg
Hear the Gettysburg Address read by Jeff Daniels. This speech, delivered by Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863, was written to commemerate the Battle of Gettysburg, which ended on July 3, 1863.
Listen to The World Turned Upside Down played by a British Band during the British surrender at Yorktown to General George Washington.
BUY-INRoadMarch 1K, 45/25# plate or ruck
4 Rounds For Time:
An excerpt from The Book of Five Rings The Classic Masterpiece on strategy by Miyamoto Musashi - go rin no sho. . .
"It is said the warrior's way is twofold... Way of pen and sword, and he should have a taste for both Ways. Even if a man has no natural ability he can be a warrior by sticking assiduously to both divisions of the Way. Generally speaking, the Way of the Warrior is resolute acceptance of death. Although not only warriors but priests, women, peasants and lowlier folk have been known to die readily in the cause of duty or out of shame, this is a different thing. The warrior is different in that studying the Way of strategy is based on overcoming men. By victory gained in crossing swords with individuals, or enjoining battle with large numbers, we can attain power and fame for ourselves or our lord. This is the virtue of strategy. "