CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

The WOD - MON, 18OCT10


  • Group GPP 5-6 Dynamic Movements
  • Specific Stretching

  • Burgener Warmup w/Bar
  • Snatch, 1X5 & 2X5 @ 70% & 75% 1RM

    Followed By:

    Shoulder Press, 1X5 & 2X5 @ 70% & 75% 1RM

    Followed By:

    With a continuous running clock :

    Do 1 burpee pull up the first minute every minute on the minute. Add another burpee pull up each minute(in the 8th minute - you need to do 8 burpees).The workout ends when you can not do the required amount of burpees pull ups for the minute you are in.

    If you accomplish 18 burpee pull ups in the 19th minute - your score would be 18 rds.+ 18.

    Post load/time or rounds to comments.

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