CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.

A Thought On Training

Ut Macies Own Ego Exsisto Verus

"I had a moment to pause just prior to my WOD today and take stock of what I was about to do. It filled me with self loathing. I had already written on the board my anticipated results at Rx. I felt comfortably smug that I could nail the WOD with the 1.5pood kettlebell, and looked forward to the inevitable victory.

I took a deep breath, picked up the kettle bell, returned it to the kettlebell storage area and picked up the 2pood bell..."Shit" felt heavy. I carried it back, and all the while had one thought: "This is going to suck." It occured to me at that moment..."I might not get through this." Smug certainty of an uninspired spotless performance gave way to a quiet resolve to struggle in the face of an uncertain outcome. I was free.

I hammered through the breathing ladder... lungs burning, room spinning, core fatigued, shoulder girdle riding a cascade of muscle failure... 1-2-3, 9-10, 14 reps and on. Then it happened; I dropped the bell in mid swing. Down to my knees I went...fighting to control my breathing: I failed. The WOD was over...The taskmaster had been paid in spades today. I was overcome with a feeling of satisfaction I hadn't experienced in a long while...I embraced the failure and made it my own...I am humbler and stronger for it. The WOD board needs correcting...

1 comment:

Cmack1383 said...

Awesome! You and I had discussed this very thing briefly while I was in P'cola and it stuck with me. I have made the move many times to push aside the 95 lb Rx weight many times since that discussion. I've put that 20 lb vest on for some crazy ass workouts. I failed at some and kicked ass on some. The main thing I want to say here is thanks. Thanks for putting that voice in my head that says, "Screw the easy way...challenge yourself! Get that 2 pood!!".