CrossFitters fear only one thing:

The WOD (Workout of the Day.) The enemy pales in comparison.
If they do not, it is not hard enough.



10. To remember that just because someone else did it on YouTube...that doesn't make it a good idea.
9. Not to steal someone else's (bar, kettlebell, band, box, wife, husband, or score) during a WOD.
8. To record my time reps weight etc BEFORE the endorphins wear off and completely forget where I am.
7. Not to make voodoo dolls replicas of the "fast people" and poke needles in their legs just before a running WOD.
6. Not to destroy another chalk bucket.
5. To NOT bomb the bar from way overhead...I know it makes me look bad ass to hold a metric assload of weight overhead and then just drop it, but I know it's not good for the equipment.
4. To run like a greyhound, lift like a gorilla and whimper afterwards like a baby.
3. To buy no less than 18 t-shirts, 15 lbs of protein powder, 14 pairs of shoes, 8 jump ropes, 5 subscriptions to the CrossFit Journal & The BOX. Dedication... all it takes is a little cash.

2. To NEVER, EVER, EVER think a "100 day burpee challenge" is in any way a good idea.

and finally,

1. To recognize and cherish the outstanding people I have met at Razor's Edge. To greet and welcome each new person and make them feel welcome in an intimidating environment. To set an example for others by working as hard as I can each and every day. To work on my mobility, my warm-ups, cool downs, and my nutrition, all to become even better in 2014

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