The "official" CrossFit Warm-up is in the April 2003 CrossFit Journal .
2-3 rounds of 10-15 reps of:
- Samson Stretch (do one Samson Stretch each round for 5 breaths per leg)
- Squat or Overhead Squat
- AbMat or GHD Sit-up
- Back-extension
- Pull-up
- Dip
*Note that for a workout that's dip or pullup-centric, you might want to do something else in the warmup.
Followed By:Lift: Burgener Warmup Perform 3 reps per station of this sequence, and always in this order:
- Down and up
- Elbows high and outside
- Muscle snatch
- Snatch land
- Snatch drop
- Hang power snatch
Clean and Jerk, 3X3 @ 90% 1RM
Followed By:Strength:Back Squat, 3X3 @ 90% 1RM
Followed By:WOD:
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds for time:
AdvancedDumbbell hang squat cleans, 40 /30 #
AbMat Sit ups
C2BPull ups
Dumbbell hang squat cleans, 30 /20 #
AbMat Sit ups
Pull ups
Dumbbell hang squat cleans, 20 /10 #
AbMat Sit ups
Pull ups, Bands
Dumbbell hang squat cleans, 20 /10 #
AbMat Sit ups
Pull ups, Jumping
Post load/time or rounds to comments.